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Epigenetic modifications in the mitochondrial genome has been an emerging area of interest in the recent years in field of mitochondrial biology. The renewed interest in the area has been largely fuelled by a number of reports in the recent years suggesting the presence of epigenetic modifications in human mitochondrial genome and their associations with exposure to environmental factors and human diseases and or traits. Nevertheless there has been no systematic effort to curate, organise this information to enable cross-comparison between studies and datasets.

We compiled 62 datasets from 9 studies on the epigenetic modifications in human mitochondrial genome to create a comprehensive catalog. This catalog is available as a user friendly interface - mitoepigenomeKB, where the data could be searched, browsed or visualised.


Example Search:

Tissue/Cell types   CD4,  hESCs,  fibroblasts,  cerebellum,  neurosphere 
PubMedID   20944595,  23042784,  24087792  24373966, 
Experiment strategy MeDIP-Seq,  ChIP-Seq, 
Cite this Resource:-
Ghosh et al (2016). mitoepigenomeKB a comprehensive resource for human mitoepigenetic data. (Submitted)