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About alnasab

Alnasab is a user friendly online search engine, presenting a comprehensive collection of blood group related variations mined from various population scale datasets of the Greater Middle Eastern region. The resource encompasses a total of 2149 blood group related variants fetched from about 45 blood genes. The compiled variants are systematically annotated for their HGVS nomenclature, Global Allele Frequencies and frequencies of various Middle Eastern subpopulations.

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Last Updated : {{data[0].Date_of_last_update}}

Number of Human blood group systems : {{data[0].Number_of_Human_blood_group_systems}}

Number of ISBT approved blood group alleles : {{data[0].Number_of_ISBT_approved_bloo_group_alleles}}

Number of predicted and curated blood group alleles : {{data[0].Number_of_predicted_and_curated_blood_group_alleles}}